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Elemental Outdoor Gear Foldable Backpack

Production Time: 7 Working Days
50 $18.25 each
200 $11.64 each
300 $11.39 each
500 $11.08 each
600 $10.17 each
1000 $9.95 each
1500 $9.75 each
2000 $9.56 each
3000 $9.25 each
5000 $9.03 each
Nylon backpack is built to last with a strong zipper design, offering ample space without weighing down, good for hiking or day trips. Compact size and ability to fold into a zippered pocket for easy storage set it apart. Multiple pockets to keep essentials organized, can pack clothes, books, a mobile phone, and a water bottle. Versatile for various activities like hiking, camping, traveling, and cycling, used as carry on luggage to avoid extra fees by transferring items from suitcase.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size
18.5" L X 12.59" W X 5.9" H

Additional Information
Backpack is foam padded top handle for a long time carry on, large to hold many products, plenty of room for tech accessories.



(651) 319-9927

Copyright 2018, Illumagine Interactive, Inc.